Thursday, 14 February 2013

The First Rasul (Messenger)...

Posted by Unknown on 01:18 with No comments

 Who was the first Rasul (Messenger)?
   The first Rasul who was sent down for the guidance of unbelievers and disbelievers was Hadrat Nuh [Noah] (peace be upon him). He preached for 950 years but disbelievers who were stone-hearted and obstinately insolent remained clung to thier disbelief. At last, Prophet Noah prayed to Allah Almighty and a dreaded deluge overtook them. All disbelievers on the earth were eliminated. A few believers and a pair of every animal which boarded Noah's boat were safe.

  Which Prophet came in the last?
   The Prophet who was sent in the last for the guidance of whole world is our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him). In him the institution of Prophethood attained its highest glory. He is the Last Prophet and no prophet will succeed him in whatsoever way.


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