Wednesday 27 March 2013

Mobilink Foundation to celebrate the Pakistan Day, cleaning activities, in Islamabad Margalla trails. Activities involving nearly 150 people attended, including the Mobilink Torchbearers (staff volunteers), their families, and students from the Pehli Kiran School.

The environmental purpose of the event is to promote the maintenance needs of Pakistan's natural habitat. The event also marks the Mobilink Foundation is committed to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and Mobilink employees and their families to participate in the clean up the basis of diameter 3 at the top of the Margalla Hills.

Kieran from the Pehli school network long-distance journey as a means of including them at the Pakistan Day celebrations, and provide them with an opportunity to students to participate in outdoor activities by participating in the initiative to promote national identity and pride.

Omar · Manzur, Head of Corporate Communications, MobiLink shared his views on the occasion, "23rdof Day is to emphasize our commitment and dedication to Pakistan. The MobiLink Foundation is the MobiLink the Corporate Social Responsibility program hosted we will continue to focus on the protection of the natural environment, and to promote a healthy lifestyle for our employees and our community's interests. "

Mobilink Foundation will continue to work to protect the natural environment of Pakistan, this event is a sustained drive, the continuation of the clean variety Margalla Hills hiking trails. As a result of near Mountain Islamabad, hiking has become a recurring activities, many residents of the sister city, so clean-up activities need to retain the natural beauty of these mountains.


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