The daily fee for unlimited Facebook packets will be available to customers for 5 rupees, and the best part is that there is absolutely no fair use policy on access to part of this package!
Mobilink customers can enjoy unlimited access to their Facebook status updates daily dose, in accordance with the timetable of a friend, tag pictures, share albums, chat, and more - go on through Facebook!
This is a limited time offer will be available until 2013 on March 15.
How do I subscribe?
- All customers need to do is dial * 114 * 5 # @ Rs. 5/day subscribe Facebook packet.
- The customers will have to subscribe to this daily promotions
How to access it?
- Subscription After the success of beam, customers can access Facebook via m.facebook.com mobile or Opera Mini browser.
Terms and Conditions:
- This service is available as MobiLink prepaid customers, including all of Jazz and Jazba customers.
- This service may not be able to work in the BlackBerry's built-in Web browser.
- This is not automatic recursive offer.
- Unlimited free customers should access Facebook, write m.facebook.com through the mobile version of the Opera Mini browser or selected.
- Can be downloaded Opera Mini, but the cost, from m.opera.com standard charge.
- Customers can perform all Facebook activities, including browsing / sharing photos and video. However, access to external links / website will not be charged.
- The browser and the application to access Facebook through a proxy server may result in data charges.
- The consumption data customers may charge mobile phone applications in the background. By closing this application, which can be controlled.
- Mobile phone browser (for example, Nokia Xpress) is a proxy browser. Data may cause the browser to access Facebook through these charges.
- This is a limited time offer will continue until March 15, 13 years. However, MobiLink reserves the right to modify, offer duration.
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